public library
here the subscription fee for one year is about as expensive as a single book.
public library
here the subscription fee for one year is about as expensive as a single book.
Disregard it.
no! i like it. this is the special lemmy spirit :-)
already heard about the stock option (and forgot about it), but i wondered: how do you handle sand or other dirt attached to the trimmings?
i’ve tried to filter with a coffee filter, but its really tedious and takes ages until all stock is filtered.
the double freezing option is very cool. do you concentrate the stock, or add just as little water as possible when cooking the stock?
i started freezing tomato sauce and tomato paste (they go bad quite fast?!), in their original glass container, but was really annoyed by having to get it out of the freezer hours before you need it. Otherwise you won’t get it out of the glass, or you have to warm it up…
Now i’m putting the sauce and paste into a ice cube tray, works quite good so far.
First of all: Do they want to make real live friends? having only internet friends doesn’t sound too bad, does it?
they have tried to socialize in a fishbowl event but they weren’t able to get a friend there as I feel it.
you don’t get a friends from a single event. give it more time. much more time. some other comment mention hobbies or groups, and i think this is the key: you don’t go to those events because you want to make friend, but because of you interest and you make friends by accident. Don’t pressure it!
you can not.
just think about it: 80 to 100 years uptime, no reboot, no fall back system, not even a cold spare. and you want to change something while its running? madness! maybe if you are very lucky you may be able to replace some of the internal components… but not to upgrade, only if your on the risk to loose the whole system…
Never change a running system. Even small changes may have unexpected consequences, if the machine is as complex as our bodies…
can you share your recipe or a link to a good recipe?