• lady_maria@lemmy.world
    16 hours ago

    Sure. Though you could argue that needing food, water, and sleep is a sign of weakness, too.

    Simply existing automatically comes with these “weaknesses”, so I don’t see the point in assigning them with a negative value, as your perspective seems to. I doubt many people would claim that not drinking water is a sign of strength. Why should crying be any different?

    Now, having a mental breakdown because you haven’t allowed yourself to feel your emotions, though? Or lashing out at others because you haven’t learned how to regulate yourself? Now, that’s about as emotionally and mentally weak as you can get.

    • Mango@lemmy.world
      15 hours ago

      Not needing to eat would definitely be a huge strength.

      Having a pawn attack a square near your king is a weakness. Being an air hockey player should mean that doesn’t matter.

      Crying IS the mental breakdown. It’s what you do when you need someone else’s help because you can’t do it yourself(weakness).

      The problem here is that people prey on you when they see that weakness, and a civilized society should not do this. The problem here is that we’re developing all of the tools for a civilized society and putting them into the hands of predators. A weakness is only a problem when it’s being exploited. This is why I oppose usage of things that give our predatory “leaders” leverage against us that we can’t escape. Surveillance bad. Censorship bad. Detention bad.

      • angrystego@lemmy.world
        3 hours ago

        Crying is not a mental breakdown just like laughing is not a mental breakdown. It’s a natural expression of an emotion and it’s healthy - it helps you get rid of cortisol, so you should WANT to cry in appropriate circumstances just like you want to laugh. It’s a natural bodily mechanism that is good for you. You viewing it negatively and as a weakness stems from the toxic approach to these things in the culture you grew up in (and probably still live in, unfortunately).

      • lady_maria@lemmy.world
        9 hours ago

        Not needing to eat would definitely be a huge strength.

        Of course not needing to eat would be a strength. There’s a significant difference between that and what I said, though. Not eating when you need to is not the same as not needing to eat at all. There is no choice but to eat if you are to survive, just as there is no choice but to cry when you need to in order to be mentally and emotionally well.

        Crying IS the mental breakdown. It’s what you do when you need someone else’s help because you can’t do it yourself(weakness).

        I strongly disagree. Crying is only a release of emotion on its own. Just because someone is crying doesn’t inherently mean that they’re having a mental breakdown.

        I’m a crier. It’s extremely fucking annoying, but nevertheless a part of me. I weep when I’m sad, stressed, pissed off. On occasion, I even shed happy tears.

        Am I having a mental breakdown when I cry while watching a sad movie? When I’m justifiably angry about an injustice in the world or my personal life? Definitely not.

        I’ve experienced more than my fair share of real mental breakdowns, but that number is dwarfed by the number of times I’ve cried.

        A The problem here is that people prey on you when they see that weakness, and a civilized society should not do this.

        While that’s true, it doesn’t change the fact that we need an emotional outlet to be well. Those emotions will be there whether or not you release them when you feel the need to.

        If you try to suppress them, you’re more likely to be incapacitated by them—even physically—if they eventually become too much to handle. It’s just postponing a smaller weakness for a larger one later on.

        • Mango@lemmy.world
          9 hours ago

          I didn’t say emotions were a weakness. They’re actually a defense mechanism. You kinda describe it like a production line run by robots that you totally can’t stop. Just let them make their products.