I’d like to do a series on 56 different emotions which we’ll eventually get through as time permits.


Anger is an intense emotion defined as a perceived provocation, the invasion of one’s boundaries, or a threat. From an evolutionary standpoint, anger serves to mobilize psychological resources in order to address the threat/invasion. Anger is directed at an individual of equal status.

Try to keep it fresh by what is current but its also cool to retrospect

  • Qkall@lemmy.ml
    26 days ago

    tl;dr - they suck all around and it took 8 months of constant pushing to fix

    sorry for the shit formatting. I tried my best but it’s a lot to type lol

    Oh, boy this will be a lot to type out… So I was shopping for couches, and as I have dogs I didn’t want anything super expensive. I had gotten a solid ad from them during this period so we decided to check them out. We found some decent love seats and I payed for the ‘worry-free delivery and warranty’ as I’m not a handy man. The delivery dudes showed up and they were like these exhausted looking 18 year olds. I felt this wasn’t going to go well so I pulled out my camera. Sure enough, they rip the first love seat. I note it on the video and they acknowledge but seem pretty ‘meh’ about it. They mention they have a repair man for these type of things and not to worry… the second couch they scratch up my newly finished floors. I kept my cool thinking this is why we got the insurance pack. I immediately open a ticket and everything seems to be going okay… They sent a repair man… and this is when things get weird. I take time off from work to meet with the guy and I answer the door and the guy just starts yelling at me in Spanish. He got lost and some how that was my fault? I don’t really know. Anyway he looks at the couch shakes his head and hands me a card and leaves. He didn’t say a word while I’m saying ‘Yo, what? where are you going? What’s going on man??’ I call the number and the customer service person was as confused as I was so she said she’d send a replacement next week. I take another day off of work as their window is basically ‘when we get there at this day.’ No one shows up. I call and they said they didn’t have a truck that day. Confused is turning to anger as this point… It’s worth mentioning at this point that I had left a job due to it almost being a requirement to argue and scream at people… I was really trying not to lean back into that as I know it’s not healthy. So, I suck it up and say okay and took another day off the following week.
    A driver shows up and says ‘Okay where’s the couch I have to take?’
    I try to correct him and say ‘You mean replace??’
    He says he is only there to pick up a couch and and his truck is empty.
    He looks at his paperwork and he’s like ‘hmmm, you know what there should be a couch in the truck actually… We’ll you can call customer service about this, but I’ll take the couch.’ Anger peaks his head as I reply, ‘Yeah, no… You’re not taking anything… I ordered a replacement and the way this is going… no way you’re taking it without replacing it.’
    He was pretty chill about it and we call CSR again. Apparently the couch wasn’t transferred over or something. I don’t know… I was starting to rage and just didn’t want to communicate with anyone at this point. They schedule for the following week… I take off. NO ONE FUCKING SHOWS UP. I call and very sternly but professionally speak my grievances. She assigns a ‘special shipment agent’ to my case. At this point I start asking for some money back and the refund my insurance but I still have it. The. Next. Fucking. Week. No. One. Shows. I loose it on some CSR person but I feel like I kept my rage to the point and not focused directly at them. They basically promise me it’ll be there next week. Next week comes, and the at least this time they call me the day before, I get a call… And the lady tells me the couch has been discontinued and all they can do is offer a different couch or pick it up and refund it - for the first time in my life I was so utterly filled with rage all I heard for a bit was this weird buzzing noise. My whole face like became numb. My rage could no longer be contained. I started to hear normally and I just heard the lady on the line say ‘Sir? Sir? Are you still there?’ I frighteningly whisper back into the phone ‘I want my money back’. "Sir per our policy we have to pick up the couch then,’ she replies. I tell her that I will no longer speak to her and need to speak to her manager. I have to wait for the call and I take it at work. Basically their policy requires them to get the couch back if i wanted a refund and they weren’t going to fix my floors either a separate company handles their insurance. She tells me she’s done talking to me and gave me the regional number. I don’t remember who hung up on whom as it was a fairly heated. I called the number after work as I wanted to cool off… the next part I’m not super proud of. I only say this to really speak to my rage at this point - but the dude that picks up sounded like he was Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite. Normally I’m far more patient with folks like that as they remind me of my grandparents. I was beyond being nice and basically told him that he couldn’t help me and I wanted to speak to his supervisor as I was instructed. He assured me if I told him my issues he could help.
    I warn him again that ‘you don’t want this heat brother please just transfer me.’ He tells me to tell him my tale. I said to him ‘well I’m sorry but you asked for this.’ I completed unloaded on this poor dude with a expletive filled rant that I don’t really remember… but I do remember screaming in the phone ‘And you’re fucking me man! I don’t want to be fucked and all I’m getting is fucked in my ass, now fucking transfer me please.’ Poor dude whimpers back ‘…okay… transferring…’ The regional person was zero help and basically told me enjoy my couch then holes and missing pillows. My rage was not satisfied and I blew up their socials. In the meantime, I opened a ticket with this insurance company. It was such a weird company and if I hadn’t gotten the information directly from the store I would have assumed it was a scam. Like their website was from the early 2000’s and they didn’t have a physical office. So they ask for a quote, which I already had and they didn’t like it. So they sent out someone that quoted it more than my contractor. They ghosted me for a bit. In the meantime the social media play seems to be gaining traction and I get a call from some really nice dude that like head of like the entire east sides customer service. He profusely apologizes and says he’ll see what he can do… He all but tells me that this was the normal Bob’s experience but they were restructuring. He got the insurance company to reply… They offered me 300$ for a 2,000$ repair. I called him back and he was flabbergasted and said he was escalating it. Insurance company mails me a 500$ check…The check bounces for insufficient funds. Head dude calls me and is totally confused and tells me that he wishes I had payed with paypal because he was telling me I should file a BBB complaint and such. I do so against both companies. Insurance company wants to do a wire transfer… I give them VERY SPECIFIC instructions with parts highlighted as my bank is a little weird with that stuff. They sent me a receipt of the transfer and it doesn’t even have my name on the transfer nor account number… I reply back and said ‘I hope you enjoy just losing money.’ They open an investigation on my fucking account as they think I stole the money. Meanwhile BBB got Bobs to refund me for a fair chunk of the cost of the couches. Investigation over and they sent me a friggen money order for 750$. So overall I kinda made out but… not really if you think about the floors that had to be redone and all the time I took off and spent on dealing with them… so yeah fuck em. That took 8 fucking months.

    • Randomgal@lemmy.ca
      26 days ago

      That’s crazy bro. I’m sorry this happened, or alternatively I’m glad it happened.

    • taiyang@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      Yeah that sounds like standard Bob’s Furniture. My dad often ordered from them, and still does since he never seems to learn and low prices hijack his common sense.