On Steamcharts, Counterstrike has been the #1 game on Steam every single day I have EVER looked at this site, for at least 3 years now. This top 10 has basically been the same for years… I don’t get it. Do people just not play anything else?

Dota, Rust, PUBG, GTA V, Call of Duty, Apex… Admittedly, Satisfactory is new to the top 10. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege FINALLY fell out of the top 10, adn so did Destiny 2.

It just feels like it never changes, which is crazy… what happened?

    23 days ago

    The games that sit at the top of the player counts are almost always multiplayer competitive games. In a lot of ways, there’s been nearly 0 movement in the space at all since covid. The same games are still right there at the top because no new massively multiplayer game has released to top them. FPS players play CoD, Apex, Fortnite and Pubg, Dota is massive in Asian countries, GTA V has a huge cult following (check out its twitch category).

    Satisfactory being top 10 is an outlier rather than the norm, being a single player game.

    I agree with the other commenter who said that players of these games consider themselves players of Apex/CoD/Pubg before they consider themselves overall gamers. That’s the case with me now, and I rarely launch anything outside of CoD or Apex as I have little to no interest in single player games.

      23 days ago

      Satisfactory isn’t massively multiplayer but it is coop up to 4 players, been enjoying it with my brother since 1.0 release