I personally will never not trust my gut feeling.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
    16 days ago

    Went to Sturgis for the motorcycle rally in the late aughts. Went to the Harley Dealership that was offering free test drives on all it’s latest models. The guy leading the test drive said that anyone who wanted to go fast should be right up in front behind him. I wanted to go fast, so I was second in line, right behind him, on a brand new V-Rod (I think it was the 2007 almost 1300 CC engine).

    He lead us on a dirt road parallel to the highway for a minute, going like 65 mph, which wasn’t so bad, but I peeked behind me and the cloud of dust we were trailing was impressive, I wondered how the guys behind me were even keeping sight of us! Then, he turned and got on the highway. Man he opened his up so fast, I almost lost sight of him. I gased that V-Rod so hard just to keep him in eye sight, that the segmented white lines between lanes just turned into one solid line to my vision. I checked my speedometer and swear I was around 160-180mph. That shit was unreal, passing cars going highway speed like they were standing still, on a bike I had never ridden before.

    And that’s why I won’t let myself buy a crotch rocket. Give me a 90’s model sportster that maxes out at like 90mph, because I’m scared if I have a machine that can go that fast, I may be tempted to try it again, and the idea of becoming a meat-crayon isn’t something I aspire to.

    My Dad is a doctor who would bring home pictures of gnarly cases he worked on, and every single one of them would be motorcycle accidents. Doesn’t stop him from riding one, and with a fake-DOT helmet (if one at all), but it sure stopped me from ever wanting to emulate those speed-demons that go over 100 weaving through traffic and shit. Those people are insane to me.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
      16 days ago

      I’m shocked to hear that bike can go that fast. I thought they topped out at 150. I can’t imagine going that fast on a cruiser, with no wind screen. It seems like the wind would blow you right off the bike. Even at like 100 mph on a cruiser, I’m gripping the handlebars like crazy, fighting against the wind hitting my chest and pushing me out of the seat.

      • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
        16 days ago

        You’re probably right about it being closer to 150, I do remember turning my head and feeling the air push my head hard, fighting to get back into the lowered, hugging-the-engine position I was in. T’was nuts. never again! Maybe if I’m on the salt flats with mad protective gear, but not on roads, not on a new-to-me bike. That was just a flash of brilliant, youthful, death defiance that I’m likely never to repeat. Might as well bounce on a trampoline under whirring helicopter blades 😅

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
          16 days ago

          The difference in feeling between 150 and 180 is as or more pronounced as the difference between 100 and 150. Every MPH above about 150 is a noticeable difference. I was actively pushing the bike to its absolute limit, and it was insane. After around 160 things are happening too fast to respond to. They’re already behind you by the time they register in your mind. I agree with your sentiment, never again, at least not anywhere other than the salt flats.