For how often I see articles talking about the dangers of tech, I’m surprised at the lack of mention for watch_dogs. Sure, its just a silly little Ubisoft game series, but this game series predicted so much of today’s world. The 2nd game is basically propoganda against corporations hoarding so much data, exploring how each of them exploit the world they inhabit. If you haven’t played the game, I highly recommend checking it out just for the intro alone. It might not be real world events or actual statistics, but it sure broke down some of the major problems in the industry into something my 13 year old brain could comprehend when I first played the game.

    12 days ago

    I used to work for an algorithmic advertising company.

    The gist is that if you get one big spender it offsets the cost of losing a thousand or more other people because those large contracts usually last past the official sale