Do you research candidates? What sites do you use?

    4 days ago

    Check a sample ballot so you know what races are up for a vote. Don’t let the first time you see a candidate be at the voting location.

    My government publishes a booklet of candidate statements and details of ballot measures that gets sent out to all voters. Candidates can lie in their statements so don’t trust the ones who sound agreeable, but I can usually rule out more than a few based on them strongly supporting issues I’m against. This lets me rule out the worst choices for me and focus my research on a smaller set of candidates/races where the choice isn’t as obvious. Check candidate websites for a similar statement. Focus on ruling out people you strongly disagree with. Bookmark the ones that need more digging.

    Then I tend to check voter guides published by news organizations and charities with a similar lean as me. I don’t follow them directly, but they give me a sense of who people with similar leanings support. This has helped me discover some candidates who were directly misleading in their statements and didn’t have the support of the people they claim agree with them. If any names in the voting guide surprise you, dig deeper on them.

    Party affiliation is unfortunately meaningful in federal elections, and many top level state elections as well, but avoid voting straight ticket based on party. There are often local elections where party affiliation isn’t as important. It may matter if my governer is Red or Blue ,but it probably matters less what my Coroner is (…I’ll admit though that my feelings on this are changing in recent years. I’m still against straight ticket voting because it’s important to check each race individually.) Try to find a basic 2 sentence or so description of each position that’s up for election so you know what kind of power that position has. That will help you judge if a candidate’s stances on certain issues matter for their position. It’s great that my Coroner supports X but that’s irrelevant to their job so I won’t factor it in.

    Finally I make sure to read the long form of every ballot measure or amendment. The short version almost always sounds appealing but often the long form uncovers really important nuances. Never just vote based on the short form, it’s way too easy to sneak in really terrible policies by constructing an agreeable tagline.