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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Quite a few years ago now I went to my nan’s house for Christmas.

    My cousin, I think he was about 13, had got a £50 Steam voucher for some games. Him and my other cousin who was a couple of year older went to Steam, swapped the voucher for something, and then took that to a gambling site. I don’t know if they’re still a thing. It was something to do with Counter Strike drops I think. Heavily advertised by YouTubers who ran them, with a bunch of videos showing them winning. The sort of thing they’d be sent to prison for in any right thinking society.

    They took that £50, put it in, and clicked. The younger one went “what now?” and the older one just went “oh, nothing. It’s gone.” A couple of games worth of money, gone. For nothing.

    He looked like he was about to cry, and only didn’t because he was going through that acting tough phase.

    He’s an accountant now, and plays crown green bowling. I like to think that was a relatively cheap lesson in why not to fuck around with gambling.

  • The PS5 controller is pretty sweet.

    But the PS1 Dualshock is the original version of that, and has influenced basically everything since. It’s the Ocarina of Time of controllers.

    That second analogue stick fixed everything to do with cameras in early 3D games.

    For VR it’s the Oculus Touch. Takes everything about the classic Dualshock design and adds hand tracking.

  • So did I, which is why it’s extra creepy when Glen Powell, the most generic white guy imaginable, tries to bang one of them.

    I’d almost completely forget the whole movie by the next day, but my wife continued to think about it and then sent me this about the ending. Which makes it even worse than the ending you’d guess at about ten seconds into the film.

    spoiler for ending, like it matters

    So, they were going to test their tornado killing chemicals on the big tornado, until they realised it was heading for a town, so instead of killing the tornado before it hit the town they drove to the town to shout at running people to run, until it had destroyed half the town and killed several people, at which point they used the tornado killing chemicals to kill the tornado…

  • I think the people that have never heard of it far outweigh the people that have and decided to ignore it. They’re chasing “normal” people, not people like us who would likely have ignored it even if it was a free to play, micro transaction riddled mess.

    And “FREE!” does appear to be a key factor in making this kind of game take off. They live or die by initial player interest and retention.

    These things are expensive to make, it’s not just going in the bin. I’m just not sure where it belongs. It’s clearly Overwatch’s stunt double, and even that seems like it’s on the wane.