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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • I agree with this. Reagan was culpable because he was the damn boss. H.W., Olly North, and a bunch of others were doing all kinds of fucked up shit while he smiled for the camera.

    I think the same thing about Bush Jr.'s time in office. He “aww shucked” his way through shit while Cheney and the crew did irreparable damage. I don’t think either of them felt strongly about anything that didn’t personally affect them and they allowed the road to the 2016 shitshow.

    H.W. was the only conservative who held the reigns while he was president in the last 4 decades and he wasn’t likable enough by the base to get a second term. That’s why they put up “aww shucks” and a crazy demagogue that they could manipulate. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is evil. He just doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together to do the damage that the federalist society and project 2025 wanted/wants all by himself.

  • I saw this so often when I was client facing. CEOs, doctors, and sales people were the biggest offenders.

    We had a gyno who had a huge pile of porn on his file server. It was all from the waist up. Seriously, he had half a terabyte of titty pics.

    Separately, there was a sales guy who was juggling like 5 women (poorly) at any given time. He was fucking gross and would try to show them off to anyone who came to work on his continuous computer problems that were all caused by him.

    Separately from that, we had a “troubled boys ranch” as one of our clients. One of the C Suite was caught with porn and we had to go over it with a fine toothed comb to make sure none of it was of any of the kids. There wasn’t (thankfully) but there was a whole lawsuit about it and he was charged with showing it to some of the kids.