No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That’s what you are A song that goes on and on

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • I suspect a big part of the process has shifted focus from making an enjoyable experience to how we can milk this for every dollar it’s worth and then some.

    It’s risky trying to explore new avenues as a large company you’re expected to deliver unimaginable returns on your investment. So copying the games that did well will hopefully perform better that quarter. As opposed to spending resources on expanding the engine or trying out a novel idea.

    On top of that I suspect the executives are envious of the addictive cash burning cycle that gacha games provide.

    I feel like too many games have and continue to copy the formula established by Minecraft and Far Cry 3. I find the experience of exploring a new zone, climbing a tower, unlocking material xyz then rinse and repeat. To be boring and unimaginative. But it seems like I’m the weird one here and people seemingly adore it.

    I thought the inventory management of BoTW was awful. It’s not fun to complete a cool quest line get a cool item and for it to break forever after two fights. Wtf

    Crafting games such as Valheim have nothing to do aside from grinding for the sake of grinding. Sure building a cool house had some appeal but it’s overall just intentionally tedious.

    Baldur’s Gate III was a breath of fresh air. I actually have been thinking for a while that maybe I just didn’t like games anymore until it came out.

    I’m also about to start my first Elden Ring run with a group of friends for the first time soon. Excited for that.

    The Dark Pictures Anthology has some fantastic stories if anyone is interested.

  • I’d suggest broadening your scope.

    There’s lots of nerdy ladies out there, but you’re most likely to meet people at conventions and other hobby events. If you’re near NYC that will likely be where to go for that stuff.

    You could also explore online forums and support groups on discord. But please understand that these places are not intended for you to seek out women but to meet like minded individuals. Continue to respect the community and people’s boundaries.

    You could further your education and try to meet people at college.