A software developer and Linux nerd, living in Germany. I’m usually a chill dude but my online persona doesn’t always reflect my true personality. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I usually try to be nice and give good advice, though.

I’m into Free Software, selfhosting, microcontrollers and electronics, freedom, privacy and the usual stuff. And a few select other random things, too.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024


  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.detoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs "retard" a slur?
    5 days ago

    It’s derogative and ultimatively looking down at people. So not acceptable.

    And I mean in what context would you call someone a “retard” and not mean it as a slur? I don’t see any situation. Either you say that to insult someone. Or you say it to a person who it applies to… But it doesn’t really help in most situations. They probably already know. And they can’t change it anyways. And you could phrase it differently. So in most cases I’d say it’s insulting and not constructive.

  • I’d argue caring just for national workers isn’t baked into social democracy. Maybe on the contrary. In a globalized world we have to unite. And the exporting and importing goods, needing qualified and unqualified workers means an economy has to pay attention to foreign people, too. Yeah but exploitaition of the south and importing cheap goods from developing countries is part of history. And still what happens as of today. I don’t see it specifically connected to this form of economy. In theory i don’t think it’s well aligned.
    But I didn’t watch the video, yet. Maybe I can muster up the time later. It’s 90minutes long. And doesn’t seem I can watch it while doing other things 😉

  • It makes it easier to package and install stuff once and for everyone. And harder to keep your system patched because some software might include older versions of libraries. And you can’t just install the patched version from your system repo, because that doesn’t apply per design. We also have some minor woes like theming, filesize, integration into the desktop… I think it isn’t the best we have right now. I think that is system packages. But that depends on the specific use-case. Yeah. But we need both. At least as of now. Maybe we’ll one day get a more unified package format. Or sandboxing for almost everything like on Apple computers. There are some limitations. We can’t have everything at the same time. But there is lots of room for improvement. Linux is awesome, though.

  • I’m not sure what to recommend. Usually that’s a time when you re-align your values and are dropped into a new world with different responsibilities. Around 18 you’ve finished school and now start an apprenticeship or you go to university and inevitably meet a lot of new people there. In university there are a lot of different groups. For extroverts/introverts gaming nerds. You just have to go and meet them. That pretty much solves the issue.
    If you start working right away (and don’t have to attend school for that), it’ll be way more difficult.

    And I think the area close to the border is a pretty rural area. Meeting similar-minded people or finding clubs might be difficult. I always recommend meeting people while doing something you like. Because you’ll meet people who have something in common. A hobby or something like that.

    Or find a youth center, do some volunteering… Find out where the local computer nerds meet. Maybe a sports club. There are introverts everywhere and the atmosphere of every club is different. Ofentimes you have to try and find out if you’re feeling accepted there.

  • Exacty that. I’d agree: about 3 or 4 accounts, judging by what I read. Often got some genuine and constructive answers… Never listening and predetermined that everything is futile and set on dragging themself down. Dismissing every help and then posting the same question again, a few days later. This time the post is a bit different, though.

    I already wished them the best and said I hope they get help, a few weeks ago. I don’t think OP is a troll, but ill. But OP can’t escape their unhealthy behaviour. Usually the first step is to realize there is something wrong and you have to do something. But I think that is a solid barrier for them. OP rather indulges in self-pity and brushes everything aside and blames circumstances.

    I mean there are people who want to feel victimized or want to feel the feeling of pain. But that’s definitely not normal. And they need to talk to a professional about that.

  • Yeah, as the other people here pointed out, there is no such thing as karma here on Lemmy. So your post is a bit pointless. In fact they tried not to include too much gamification, in a deliberate attempt to address a few issues with how it works on Reddit.

    And showing the number of posts a user posted isn’t the same thing. You sometimes want to know if someone is active, or a regular, or a lurker or a new account. And getting that info requires a few clicks and a deliberate attempt. Not something people are going to brag with. It doesn’t even tell much. Could be 100 low-quality posts. Or 100 posts done in 5 minutes in a private community that no one ever read.

    And I mean even if there were Lemmy points and you’re zeroing them out and introduce a “years of service”… Isn’t that going to be the next toxic metric people are going to brag with? And it’ll incentivise people to create some empty accounts, so they have something ready in the future, should they need it. Or they’re going to look down on other people and say “yeah, but I have 2 years of service”… So I’d argue if you want to get rid of farming points, you have to get rid of them, not introduce a different one.

  • Knowing things about people and having lots of info on them gives someone power over them. And they don’t just do it for fun. They have some motives. I’d also rather not give it to some authoritan regime.

    Ultimately everyone has to decide… Do I tell everyone my exact salary? Do I keep it to some people and not tell others? Do I close the blinds of the bedroom while having intimacy? And what harm is there in the neighbors knowing what I like to do in private?