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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

    • nothing. I have autism. There’s nothing wrong with me, but I’m obviously a little bit different like other people, which in itself is neither good nor bad.

    • because we need a descriptor and that’s just what my friends use; we know what we mean with it and what we don’t.

    Also I’m gonna take those questions at face value, but I’m just gonna note the first question is a bit out out of left field, as no one implied that something’s wrong with that.

    But I don’t wanna assume you are an asshole, so I’m gonna take it as a misunderstanding.

  • Let’s go through examples:

    “He’s retarded” - that’s a slur, unless it’s ironic.

    “That was retarded” - not a slur, cause it’s kinda taking a dig at an action, not a person.

    “I’m retarded” - technically a slur but almost always used with a hint of irony, therefore usually not a slur.

    That’s how I use the word with my friends. And I have autism, so technically 100 years ago I would have been the resident retard ;)

  • Why is Pirate Software a fraud?

    I appreciated his take on it. Don’t trust politicians to come up with a good solution, always present the issue when you have a good solution ready. And the solution proposed by that petition was weak at best and outright dangerous for the industry at worst.

    If you want to force specificity on buying v getting limited time access, that’s fine, but that’s not what the petition focused on.

    If you wanna force devs to plan ahead with huge infrastructure cost to make sure servers will be online for a specific time, this might result in online games being unjustifiable for smaller studios.

    If you want to shield independent people hosting unofficial servers to games, now that’s a different conversation that we first need to have to figure it out, before proposing an exact solution through a petition. Mind you this is a more complicated topic, as this gets into licensing and IP law.

    And I really don’t think stop killing games is clear on those, and that makes this endeavor a lottery with the entire multiplayer games industry in limbo.

    Give me another more precise initiative and I’ll join, but until then I’ll definitely not sign anything. If we change things, we should change them for the better, so let’s do our due diligence first.

  • Let’s be very clear: a witness refusing to testify is a rare occasion. Why? Witnesses usually only get called if a party thinks they’re worth the hassle. So things like this are usually avoided. Also there’s only a few reasons to refuse to testify:

    • self incrimination (5th amendment), which is protected by law and takes priority
    • distrust for the legal process / the police

    Basically the only way you can get in trouble is if you distrust the legal process / the police, you can not raise 5th amendment issues or there is an immunity deal that applies.

    Currently you are only able to issue contempt charges, and that’s about it, and that stuff is also very much limited considering relevant case law.

    I think it’s like a day to a month in jail.

    Let’s also make clear that there is currently a court case going on against young thug, where basically the whole law community is mad at the previous judge (which has been overruled by the supreme Court in an emergency motion; the equivalent to a royal “you fucked up”), and there’s still an endless list of issues. A lot of issues surround a witness who has been lying his ass off and said as much in open court, but who has been part of highly improper ex parte communications and other shenanigans which basically aimed at intimidating him into testifying against young thug.

    I bring this up because although there’s a lot of publicity, this is not how it usually works, and this is a bad reference, so I don’t want people to draw from this case.

    Back to your question, the penalty, which I again think is about a day to a month in prison. I think it’s a bad thing that you can throw people in jail for this shit, but I also think it’s the best thing there is right now. Court does not have the resources nor the time to properly deal with hostile witnesses, and that means they are limited in what they can do.

    Also let’s point out again that in any case, such witnesses only exist, when the moving party has made a huge mistake or something slipped through the cracks.

    TL;DR I think it’s not a great penalty but it’s the best we have. Also there’s truckloads of context needed to have a very productive debate on this.

    Disclaimer: specific cases get weird, because circumstances and jurisdictions are weird, so “it depends” is still the only viable answer to most things, and IANAL.

  • Windows.

    My hobbies and my work require a lot of different software. On MacOS everything would be expensive af and not customizable at all.

    On Linux only 50% of the stuff would work, only 50% of that would work well and stable, and only 50% can be installed in less than 3h. And I need my software to be up and running in 7 days not 5 months.

    I put this in another post as well, but the toxic positive endorsements of Linux really tick me off. If you use it, cool. If you like it, cool. If you wanna tell others it’s nice, cool.

    But if you have to tell ppl how they are using the wrong OS, windows, on almost completely unrelated posts, you make ppl dislike the Linux community, you downplay that Linux can be a serious commitment and that mileage may vary, speaking from experience. You are doing an active disservice to everyone.

    Everyone has their own os, and just how I can appreciate that ppl have good reason to use MacOS, Linux Users should be able to appreciate that ppl like me can not switch and even if they do, it is often not worth it in any way.

    Also if I get down votes so be it, I think this just needs to be said rn. No hate for anyone using any OS, in fact I’m curious about the other comments:)

  • A lot of the bigger songs from Bleachers

    One of the newer ones is “Tiny Moves”, but also older ones like “Stop Making This Hurt” or “Don’t Take the Money”

    The older songs from Billie Eilish like “I don’t wanna be you anymore”

    Johnny Yukon has makes me move as well, with “lights camera action” for example

    I should mention Beck as well, one of the artists that stuck around for an eternity and still makes bangers

    And then a lot of smaller ones like Jacob Banks, Gallant, Oscar Anton, Paper Idol, Nothing but Thieves, Ellis, …

    I just love music:)