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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024


  • We have a flat monthly fee of $26.50 and usage is $0.1133/kWh (all prices US dollars). It’s also possible to have a Time of Use plan; for residential there’s still the flat $26.50 fee and then peak usage bills at $0.2345/kWh and off-peak at $0.0623/kWh. If you have a bilateral system (solar panels) the credit for power supplied during peak hours is $0.1539/kWh and off-peak is $0.0373/kWh. Integrated battery systems are not allowed if you go with Time of Use metering. For now the basic residential service (same rate all the time) credits solar production at the same rate as consumption, but that could change in the future.

  • It depends entirely on the band, my budget, and time. One that tours regularly, that I’ve seen before and can see again, probably only an hour, hour-and-half. One that’s not from this country, or I’ve never seen and they’re likely not going to tour anymore, or it’s a really unique show? I’m more willing to travel far, potentially even another country or continent if I can afford it. The farther I go the more I want to make a big trip of it: at least a weekend if not even a week or more if I were going to Europe or something. The closest I’ve come to that, though, was making a long weekend to Washington, D.C. during the cherry blossom festival to see Muse. That was about a 4 hour drive away.

  • Yeah, I feel like I trust Steam as long as Gabe is calling the shots at Valve. I’m sure it helps that they’re a private company. Hopefully whoever takes over after him will have learned the lesson that you can make a nearly unimaginable amount of money in this industry without putting the screws to the consumer. If they were public or let the business “experts” in I’m sure there would be all sorts of moves to extract more money from customers that would end my trust, but I feel like overall I have a couple of decades of experience at this point that Valve isn’t actively trying to hurt me.

  • An unexpected one for me was the commentary for Godzilla 2000 on the American/English release. I kind of laughed when I saw it was an option because this is one of the Japanese-made films that was dubbed into English and I had no idea how they’d handle that. Would it be in Japanese? Would that be dubbed? In fact it was the director of the English version explaining the whole process of creating the English release, including that the dialog was not dubbed but looped, and what that difference meant. It was a fascinating look at something I knew nothing about.