I am a Meat-Popsicle

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah you can’t tell anybody on this site that you pulled some data from AI. Even if you followed the link and found the actual report and the numbers matched up you’ll still get down voted into oblivion.

    The mass layoffs are definitely pure greed. At one point they served a purpose of ebb and flow and separating the wheat from the chaff, but things aren’t that healthy anymore.

    Crunch time was great when it came with the bonuses and liberal vacation.

    But now, anything that’s worth a damn gets bought up into large public companies who need to satisfy shareholders. Even the private stuff is still subject to the whims of the executives. There are still some good places to land out there but they’re slowly getting trashed over time.

  • I was working for a big company, middle upper level technical position.One of my ex co-workers went to work for Disney. He hooked me up with an interview. They flew me in, rented me a car.

    They brought me in to the interview. I sat around for about an hour and a half before they were ready. They came in and grilled me on uncommon proprietary Linux management packages. At the time I was managing a couple of 10,000 node clusters, had been running them for years. Of the four guys in the interview three of them just dismissed me. After the interview I headed out, wasn’t really mad but I was pretty disappointed the fourth guy pulled me aside and said I think they were being extremely unfair to you in there if you are really interested in trying to work your way in here reach out to me and I can advocate for you.

    After the interview I farted around LA for a couple of hours and then flew home.

    After some reflection I realized I really didn’t want to work with those other three guys. I never reached back out.

    4 months later Disney dissolved that department.

  • I was chaperoning on a school bus full of kindergarteners. They started chatting about the scariest movies they had ever seen. Some of them were talking about Goosebumps and some were talking about stuff in the realm of ET. The one little boy in my group looked up to me and said that stuff for babies that’s nothing. I said oh yeah? What are you watch. He said I like Jason I like Freddy I like Michael Myers. I asked him which scenes that he thought were the best and he actually seemed to have watched it all. I said so what did you think of IT by Stephen King. His eyes got wide and he said no no no no no no no. We’re not going to talk about that.

  • Sure it’s getting cheaper, but is it getting cheaper faster than their need for it?

    I’ve always expected their business model was unsustainable probably only able to manage through venture capital and growth.

    There’s hardly even any competition, their free product is substantial. Even fully funding a server is barely enough to cover a bare metal node.

    This is just the introduction to cost savings. As they wade into market saturation, and still need to provide growth in numbers they’ll need to pinch the free users into paying and pinch the paying users into paying enough to fully fund the service. Of course it won’t stop there…

    Edit: FFS dictation can’t ‘their’ it’s way out of a wet paper bag.

  • I buy the giant blocks of 100 generic melamine sponges from Amazon.

    However, having a couple of the Mr clean versions around is prudent. They are slightly different. They deform more easily and disintegrate faster but they get deeper into crevices. It’s super rare that I find something that generic ones won’t do a great job on but it’s good to have a couple of the name brand ones for that time when they don’t cut it.

  • By your ice cream based on weight. You can’t get away from the additives that make it a little fluffier but you can get away from the overturned extra air filled batches. In the mid-eastern US Turkey Hill brand is pretty decently solid. I’ve also noticed some of the five ingredient only ice creams are solid. Then you have stuff like Häagen-Dazs.