maegul (he/they)

A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2023


  • How dumb it all is. Seriously. The highly regimented structure of curricula and examination is a shitty way to learn. It’s optimised for making teaching and grading easier. And also teaching young people to be obedient facile production line workers.

    But intellectually and academically, it always seemed obviously bad and boring to me. And I’ve since gotten to understand a number of academic topics relatively well to know how true this is. Proper understanding, intellectually, and skill in application, are things that are far more organic and purpose driven than the shitty curricula that pencil pushing educators spit out as though the human mind were an excel spread sheet.

  • This was something I realised too (or similar). Having stuff also requires having space. If you don’t have space then you really shouldn’t have stuff.

    When everything has its place, organisation, cleanliness and general liveability start to take care of themselves. And probably overconsumption and hoarding too.

    It’s funny, because “insufficient space” or the “disregard to space” seem to be common themes for me in terms of how modern things are being done poorly.

  • Oh I’m aware. It’s a dumb thing to be critical of for sure. And my bet would be that originates from her attempt to be more politically amicable while her inner personality is probably a bit more “aggressive” or blunt. And of course she’s navigating the misogynistic politics that force women to find some nearly impossible balance between “being nice” and “appearing competent and strong” at the same time.

    All that being said, that laugh was odd and I couldn’t help wonder what it was about … as you imply, it may have just been a gesture of some kind in this political persona she’s deploying.

  • So wait … that laugh she has after saying “… coconut tree” … is that her laughing at a joke her mum was making that she and her siblings and fellow younger people are coconuts?

    Otherwise, her mum was Southern Indian (Chennai, Tamil Nadu IIRC), and I’d bet coconut trees and phrases about them are pretty common in Southern India and she just has humorous recollections about her mum’s coconut tree phrases (I would if I was raised western with an Indian mum … the word “coconut” probably emphasises the indian accent quite well).