just me

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • it’s mostly rooted in my fear of failure, disappointing others, or accidentally characterising myself as someone who’s incompetent or worthless. I have no idea when it spread so far i feel anxious about catching a bus but here i am

    calm would be a big word hah, mostly relief, and then i need to take some time to fully relax because it doesn’t happen instantly

  • i forget what exactly i had but it was in drops. This is from a perspective of someone for whom the meds didn’t work, rather, did the opposite of what they were supposed to

    First week i felt nothing, second week i thought my anxiety was getting worse and really started hoping the meds kick in soon (let’s call it foreshadowing). Week three… well i noticed that in the mornings i feel alright, then i take the prescribed amount of drops, then i feel terrible, and in the evenings i feel alright again. My doctor told me effects fully kick in after around a month of treatment, and there can be some bad side effects at first, things getting worse before they get better kind of stuff, so i kept taking them hoping they start working as intended but the thing is- it didn’t stop there. Past week three my anxiety was constant, usually it gets triggered by something i have to do and then fades but when I was taking those SSRI it never stopped. I constantly felt like i was on the edge of a panic attack. I spent my days paralysed, just sitting before my PC trying to distract myself with comfort games & comfort videos, i didn’t even feel like i could play something more challenging or unpredictable than picross or tetris. It drove me to the point where i decided that i’m gonna risk it, do some ill-advised and understudied drug mixing and smoke weed

    After 3 days of being nearly constantly high I decided to stop the meds. Though i was close to the elusive month of treatment i just couldn’t keep going like that, some people can stay high for weeks on end but not me, i do actually like being sober. And at that point being sober felt like hell. I gave it a quick Google and when i read that i can quit cold turkey (you can only do it if you haven’t been taking them for longer than a certain amount of time) i did.

    It was fucking terrible, 3rd type of anxiety meds in a row that made me so much worse than normal. I’ve just been rawdogging my normal anxiety ever since, well, with some help of weed, alcohol and occasional psychedelics. It’s strange that so far the only “meds” i’ve found to be helpful are uh “self prescribed” so to say

    this is obviously not something that happens to everyone, majority of people react fine to SSRIs, i’m apparently just not one of them :(

  • exactly! in Skyrim helping a little kid get revenge on a person who abused him gets you drafted into the murder guild, in Fallout:NV you follow a trail of a missing scientist and discover sentient plant life!

    i remember so many little quests from those games because they turned out to be much bigger than i could ever imagine. But it takes courage to hide a chunk of your game behind a quest somebody could miss or even fail, courage that bethesda fucking misplaced somewhere and i doubt they’re even bothering to look for it

    it honestly feels refreshing to be able to miss content in games, playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and then watching a gameplay of someone else playing it is thrilling, because look at all the things i never knew you could do, look at all the quests, npcs, items, i never saw. There’s a whole full fledged companion character that if you’re playing as the good guy, which is most player’s first choice, you yeet off the cliff the first time you see her and that’s it, she’s gone! Recently I asked my friend who’s been playing that game since launch “are there any other mimics in the game? I only discovered one spot with them” and he replied with “there are mimics in this game?”

    argh and in Starfield all that mystery and wonder of discovery is stripped down for “convenience” of walking through a location and picking up 10 quests in a row titled “Help Bob, Help Sam, Help Biggus Dickus”. Why would I bother playing that quest if you didn’t bother to spend a whole 5 seconds to give it a unique name? Honestly it wouldn’t even be an issue if there was enough meaningful quests to play through, but there’s one quest that has any work put into it per faction so i guess i’ll go do that

  • I’m a huge fan of bethesda games (well, mainly TES and Fallout) and bloody hell did the hype die fast as i was playing that game. Normally bethesda games keep me playing for months, i take my time discover the fun little quests and hidden areas with lore. But Starfield? there’s what, 2 decent quest lines, little to no meaningful lore (repainting death claws doesn’t count, and you somehow managed to make space cowboys boring? impressive). And the only actually interesting faction is just straight up missing from the game, and not in a fun “Dwemer are all gone what happened to them” way, no, they’re cultists who fucked off to do cultist shit and have no involvement in the story spare for that one guy who just goes “yea here’s the thing you need bye”. And then you go on to solve the big mystery of the universe with some half assed floating debri excuse for an important item.

    And i know making NPCs is hard but why did you stop at 20? you picked space for your RPG game setting and then forgot to put people that are capable of a conversation in it?? i want to hear the stories a settler on a distant world has to say! but noooo because they have to be randomly generated and meeting the same person on multiple planets would ruin the “immersion” they failed to establish

    sorry rant over

    This would could’ve been so much more interesting, and so much more lived in if they hired more writers to write the goddamn lore so we can care about anything that happens in that world. Bethesda reheating the good ideas they had without understanding what made them good is just, infuriating. I wanted to love that game, but now it just makes me mad by how bland it is

  • it’s not supposed to be a relaxing open world game though?

    it’s the mystery of the entire game, why is this happening? how do i stop it? It’s also the basis of all main mechanics in the game, the entire world is on the clock, some things aren’t available at the start or become unavailable as the clock ticks. It’s not a pointless gimmick, it serves both a narrative and a mechanical purpose

  • one of my top favourite games of all time! And one of the two narrative experiences on that list that I can’t talk about with the “uninitiated” (other is Inscryption)

    if you like space, and you like thinking - don’t look up anything about this game. Watch maybe 5 minutes of some gameplay if you’re hesitant.

    Though a word of warning, this is a game that’ll take all of your focus, it’s very hard to play it with a YouTube video or a movie in playing the background. And yes the ship movement can feel clunky at first, you’ll get used to it don’t worry - the story is worth it

  • oh i have feed wide filters for lemmy things in my boost app, hiding everything that has “Trump, Musk, Elon, Israel, Palestine, USA, Genocide” in the title. i don’t mind seeing the same meme 3 times a day, but i am taking active measures against being constantly reminded that the world is shit and misery is at every corner. The internet is great and all but the human tendency to report on tragedies instead of nice things is awful for my, and everyone’s, mental health. It’s always a “16 year old who was about to cure cancer died in a tragic accident” and never “92 year old grandma had ice cream that reminded her of her first love”, just ugh,

    I know we’re wired to focus on the negatives and dangers for our own survival, but I don’t think nature ever planned for us to be able to access a constant stream of reports about everything going wrong on earth, this instinct was supposed to make sure we remember where the bears are so we don’t get killed, not make us depressed :(