And I’m not counting things like what you do or get when you grow up like having a bank account or getting a real job. Nor am I accepting the whole ‘I just grew up’.

My sign of my childhood ending or accepting that it has ended is when all of the nu-metal bands I was introduced to and listened to a lot of us just ended up fractured. They all didn’t endure the passage of time and it was really just a matter of you had to be there to know how popular they were or the scene was.

The bands I used to have listened to have gone the way of Classic Rock on the radio. Spammed tracks from some bands because that’s all the DJ knows or that’s all they’re allowed to play.

    4 hours ago

    I don’t understand what the fuck the kids are saying anymore. The slang is so incomprehensible that urban dictionary is necessary.

    The popular music is garbage and Garbage is forgotten.

    I can say “back in my day” without it being funny.

    I can reference my ex-wife without it being ironic because I am not youthful and without grey hair, so I may have an ex-wife.

    I can say “when I was a little girl” without it being irreverently funny because I am a clearly a guy.

      2 hours ago

      The popular music is garbage and Garbage is forgotten.

      About that:

      I realized something many years ago: people of a certain age always tend to think music from their time was better. But they all fail to see that whatever music from their generation is still around is the good shit from that time. For example, this still plays on the radio but this thankfully doesn’t.

      Whatever young people listen to now is everything: the good and the bad, and mostly the bad. Their shit hasn’t had time to decant yet.

      So yeah, to an older listener, today’s music is mostly shit, because it is - just like the music from their past was mostly shit when their past was today 🙂

      2 hours ago

      Anyone who thinks new music is shit stopped looking for new music. Which is also a sign.

      and anyone who thinks popular music was ever any good has overdosed on nostalgia.