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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Obviously, cukes.

    But, beets, eggs, onion, and okra.

    All pretty standard vinegar pickles, with a little sweetness added for the beets.

    The eggs vary though. Sometimes, they’ll get done in the leftover beet pickle juice. Others, there’s a hot pepper version that’s a family recipe (nothing special, your bog standard pickled eggs with the jalapenos and banana peppers added in), and a bread n butter version that I don’t personally like at all, but I’ll make for others.

  • Pacman

    Okay, I’m old, sue me.

    But that game was my thing back in the eighties. And I wad good at it. Maybe not national best tier, and definitely not world tier, but it was not unusual for me to keep high scores on it that never got beat. The one actual arcade in town, I was never bumped off at all, nobody in town came close. I can’t recall the gap but it was enough higher that there was an extra digit between me and the next highest.

    The arcade over in the nearest city, the gap was nowhere near as big, but it was there.

    Even when I visited my cousin in Charlotte one summer, I took top spot on the machine there, though it did get beat later on. But I never went below third, at least at the time my cousin stopped going there.

    There wasn’t much I was good at that was showy back then. I wrecked shit in spelling bees, and was a decent beatbox (though only decent). Nobody gave a shit about those. I’d play pacman and have a crowd watching. It was fucking awesome for my confidence at the time.

    Wasn’t too bad at centipede either, but I would hover up and down in top ten at the two arcades I could visit regular, which isn’t that impressive if you know the game.

    So, yeah, I’d go and watch pacman players if the event was close enough. I’d even try my hand at it if I didn’t have to go up against kids with their rassafrassin better reflexes lol.

  • People answer phones?

    It’s a meme among people that know me that you pretty much have to leave a message if a text won’t do. I genuinely can’t remember the last phone call I answered. Thinking back, it was when my dad was having surgery, and they give calls with updates. That was maybe three years ago?

    But I’ve been doing that since I got my first answering machine back in the nineties. I fucking hate talking on the phone. Even as a teenager, if it wasn’t someone I was having sex with, it wasn’t going to be a long call. The only exceptions were my two best friends, and my grandmother. One grandmother just didn’t call to chat. The other only called rarely, and you don’t fucking ignore your grandmother. Neither grandfather was going to call either. My mom’s dad would drive over if he wanted to talk about something with one of us. The other was dead.

    There are two people I would answer a call from, my wife and my best friend. But they’d never call outside of an emergency because they know I hate phones for talking. I probably would for my dad, but he hates phones almost as much as I do.

  • Yeah, like kolanaki said, you get softer bread and a better crumb with autolyzing (though it isn’t the same thing as a bulk ferment). You also get more flavor.

    Autolysing bread isn’t the stretch and fold either.

    It’s the gentle mixing of the water and flour only, followed by a rest. This allows for better hydration, and some of the gluten development to occur. The enzymes in the flour make the gluten stretchier.

    So, doing the stretch and fold is after autolysing. Doing it before bypasses the entire point.

    That’s the quick and dirty version, Here’s the king Arthur write-up that’s better

    So, what you want to do is just mix the water an flour together, then let it sit. Only after that do you add anything else. No starter, no salt, no fats, nada. Afaik the only thing you would add during the initial mix is any tangzhong, if you’re using that at all. But I’ve seen recipes that call for tangzhong to be added after autolysing as well, though afaik it shouldn’t change anything either way.

    Stretch & fold replaces kneading, and is often followed by a shorter bulk ferment before switching to a cold ferment (though that’s getting into individual recipes, which veers off topic). If you knead, then you go to a longer bulk ferment.

    Now, using a stand mixer for the initial mix is fine. You genuinely won’t be able to detect a difference between a mixer being used for initial water/flour combination and doing it by hand. That’s cause because you only mix long enough for things to be incorporated well. So it does the same thing, just faster. Where you’ll run into a detectable difference (and it isn’t that big a difference) is if you use a mixer instead of hand kneading. Using a mixer instead of stretch and fold, however, is very easy to detect as the gluten is a lot less forgiving, so you end up with smaller air pockets.

  • I mean, did you intend to dead name them? If not, did you correct yourself?

    Because if you did it intentionally, you’re an asshole. If you did it by mistake because you brain farted, but didn’t correct it, you’re an asshole. You did use the right names here, so I ain’t mad. But let me frame things for you.

    If you went through the effort of changing what people call you from your first name to your middle name, anyone refusing to switch would be an asshole. Doing it if you were struggling with something major related to that name would make them a giant asshole.

    IDGAF who it is, if they aren’t picking a name just to fuck with people, you fucking call them what they want to be called, period. Anything else is just douchebaggery.

    Now, when you add in that dead naming trans people can be an act of aggressive verbal attack to trans people as a whole, the person doing so isn’t just an asshole, they’re a bigoted asshole.

    Is that who you want to be? The person that fucks with people just trying their best to live a free and happy life? If that is who you want to be, I have to warn you that reddit is not the only place online you’ll end up barred from. And there are people that will treat you poorly because of being an asshole. Actions have consequences, and words can be a form of action. While I support your freedom to say what you want within the framework of general legality regarding incitement, that doesn’t mean anyone has to accept that kind of thing and let you spew nastiness.

    So, take the ban like an adult. Accept that you fucked up enough for the community, and use that in the future to really think about the subject and decide who you want to be.